Maggie's currently accepts luxury handbags, watches and goods on a case-by-case basis. We maintain an exclusive focus on like-new to pristine condition goods.
Once a good is deemed acceptable for consignment, Maggie's will develop a bespoke consignment rate structure that is subject to the customer's approval and agreement.
Unlike other luxury goods consignment businesses, our consignment payout rate structures account for the full spectrum of potential sale outcomes, with payout rates changing in accordance with pre-determined sale price performance tiers. To facilitate such, each consignment rate structure is customized on a per-item-basis. Such is done to maintain as close of an alignment of incentives between Maggie's and the customer.
On a case-by-case basis, Maggie's may offer a buyout price as an alternative to consignment.
Payout of consignment accounts will occur on the 15th and 30th/31st of every month on all balances outstanding.
If you are interested in consigning or selling with us, or simply learning more about our process, please click below for next steps.